Ellison Public School

We Care

Telephone02 4751 5099


School Information

Absences from School

It is important that your child attend school each day to maintain a continued experience. Should your child be absent from school for more than three days it is important to notify the school and upon their return you must send a signed note to the class teacher detailing the period of absence and giving an explanation. If you are taking holidays during school term you need to discuss this with the school in advance.

Arrival and Departure from School

No child may leave the school grounds during school time unless collected by a parent/guardian. Should you need to collect your child during school hours please call at the office, where you will need to sign the ‘Early Leavers' book and collect an Early Leaver's Card, which must be given to your child's teacher before collecting your child from the classroom. Class rolls are legal documents and are marked promptly in the morning. Please ensure your child arrives before the ‘going into class' bell at 9:10am. If your child is late to school they must report with a parent/guardian to the office first and collect a Late Arrival Card which must then be handed to their teacher. If not accompanied by an adult, a note should be written and handed in at the office.

On some special, whole school event days, you may choose to take your child home early. A class list will be outside your child's classroom. Please sign the time of your departure and your name, clearly, next to your child's name. These lists will be checked in the afternoon to ensure all children are accounted for.


Parents are welcome to attend our K - 6 assemblies held fortnightly which are run by the students. It is an opportunity to showcase some of the things being done in the classroom. Students take part in public speaking and selected students receive awards for achievement in many different areas as well as for citizenship and outstanding behaviour both in the classroom and playground.

Assemblies are held fortnightly on a Thursday at 2pm. Details about which class will be running the assembly are published in the weekly Newsletter.

Asthma Friendly School

Staff have undertaken specific training and are able to administer asthma reliever medication, kept at school in an emergency. Your child should be on our Asthma Register, see Pink Form in Enrolment Package. Please ensure you keep our office staff up to date with your child's asthma health status.

Bicycles, Scooters and Skateboards at School

When considering the pros and cons of bicycles, scooters and skateboards at Ellison, the staff have had to take into account the developmental capabilities of the students and the conditions of the surrounding roads. In accordance with our Bike Policy, no scooters or skateboards are to be brought to school.

The major roads around Ellison School are unsuitable for inexperienced riders. The narrowness of footpaths and heavy traffic flow creates a very dangerous scenario for our students. Coupled with this is the fact that students under the age of 10 do not have the physical capabilities to cope with traffic. They are limited in their peripheral vision, their judgment of speed and distance and their co-ordination. Hence only children 10 years and older, in accordance with Road Transport Authority guidelines, are permitted to ride to or from school without direct adult supervision. Children and parents of children over 10 years of age who choose to ride to school will be asked to read and sign the Ellison School Bike Contract and to abide by its recommendations as outlined below. (If your child is 10 or over please ask for one of these contracts at the office.)  

For their own safety:

  • All students at Ellison School who ride a bike, must have a correctly fitting Standards Association approved helmet.
  • No students under the age of 10 are permitted to ride unsupervised by an adult.
  • Parents must instruct students in the rules of road safety.
  • All students' bikes must be fully maintained as a matter of routine.
  • All bikes are to be locked in the bike rack for the duration of the school day.

Book Club

To assist parents in obtaining books suitable for their students at an economical price, the school runs Scholastic Book Club. Flyers containing the advertised books are sent home regularly. 

Our school NO LONGER ACCEPTS CASH PAYMENTS. All Book Club orders and payments are to be made through the LOOP system. LOOP is the Scholastic Book Club Linked Online Ordering & Payment platform for Parents. LOOP eliminates the need for paper order forms plus your online order is submitted to the school safe and sound.

Log-in to www.scholastic.com.au/LOOP or download the iPhone and iPad App from the App Store or get it on Google Play for Android.
* for a quick start, just click on ORDER in the top menu or REGISTER rst to save your details for next time
* select Ellison Public School and your child’s class

* add your child’s name (so we know who the book is for)
* enter the item number from the Book Club catalogues
* you can order for multiple children at once if they attend the same school
* all orders are linked directly to the school for submission to Scholastic. Books will still be delivered to your child’s classroom if you order by the closing date. 

Participation in this excellent opportunity benefits both families and our school with points earning free books for our library. Parents may also order directly online and books will be sent directly to school.

Bus Passes

Four buses serve the school. They are the Singles Ridge Road, Buena Vista, Winmalee and Springwood buses. They leave the school at approximately 3:00pm. Bus times for journeys to and from school are advertised in the local paper and the School Newsletter at the beginning of the school year. Any change to a student's going home routine must be sent in writing to the class teacher or phoned through to the office in an emergency. In the afternoons, teachers supervise the students who are waiting for the buses. Many students from our school use the buses. All students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 are allowed a free bus pass, as are Primary students who live more  than 1.6 km from the school. Application for Opal cards is available online at transportnsw.info/school-students. Bus passes must be carried for all journeys. Bus companies charge to replace lost passes. Please be aware that the bus company can withdraw a student's pass both temporarily or permanently if they  feel that a student's behaviour is detrimental to the safety of other passengers.


The canteen is run by P&C Volunteers. In 2022 it is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at lunchtime. 

We are excited to introduce a range of new snacks, frozen treats, and drinks in line with the NSW Healthy Canteen Strategy.

Please see the P&C Website for a current menu and price list. 


Our students are encouraged to live up to our school motto ‘We Care' in many different ways. One aspect is our support of charities both local and international. A variety of special Mufti (not school uniform), fun, theme days are run throughout the year. Single gold coin donations are often asked for.

Child Protection and Drug Education

The Child Protection and Drug Education Programs, which are a part of our curriculum, provide valuable
opportunities for young people to develop skills in identifying and responding to unsafe or difficult situations. Seeking assistance effectively and learning how to establish and maintain non-coercive relationships are important aspects of these lessons. Please sign and return the permission letter for your child's participation in Child Protection Lessons.

Children with Special Needs

The school attempts to address the educational, social and physiological needs of all students. Teachers
provide a wide variety of teaching and learning strategies in their classrooms to address the different learning styles of their students. We access Integration Funding through Penrith District Office for students with learning or behaviour concerns. Our Learning Support Team includes a specially trained Learning Support Teacher, the Principal, staff and the School Counsellor. Gifted and Talented students are catered for both within their classroom and across the school with a wide variety of activities.


Our library is equipped with a computer lab and two laptop trolleys as well as computers in every classroom. Each child has their individual log-in to their own desktop. All internet access is filtered by the D.E.C. network. All children have access to a school e-mail account ‘Kid Zone'. If you do not want your child to have access to this facility please notify the school in writing.


All subject areas are programmed to operate within the guidelines of the NSW Board of Studies Syllabus documents.

There are six Key Learning Areas (KLAs):

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science & Technology
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
  • Human Society and its Environment
  • Creative and Practical Arts

The seven years of primary school are divided into four stages of learning as outlined below.

Early Stage One: Kindergarten

Stage One: Years 1 and 2

Stage 2: Years 3 and 4 

Stage 3: Years 5 and 6

The completion of each stage is related to a specific set of outcomes that students are expected to achieve. Within each Key Learning Area (KLA), the school has developed its own Scope and Sequence Charts that describe the actual knowledge, skills and attitudes to be taught in each Stage. This work is continually under review and refinement by the staff.

Extracurricular Activities


Our school has a developing band program, which allows students to participate in sessions with Winmalee High School and various school functions throughout the year.

Chess Club

Students have an opportunity to participate in a Chess Club.


Students in Years 3 - 6 can join the Choir and participate in various performances throughout the year.

Excursions - Day and Overnight, Camp and Visiting performances

Our students experience a variety of excursions and visiting school performances at various times throughout the year. All excursions link directly to Key Learning Areas.


Students have the chance at various times throughout the year to join this activity and participate in public performances.

Debating / Public Speaking

Students in Stages 2 and 3 participate in Inter-school Debating and Public Speaking competitions throughout the year. Students in Years 2 - 6 speak weekly in our school assembly.

K - 2 Singing

All K - 2 students take part in weekly singing and participate in various school performances.

Violin, Ukulele and Recorder Groups

These groups visit the Opera House to join with students from across the state for a performance.


The Ellison Public School Hall is utilised throughout the week for a wide variety of school based activities. It is also available for hire. Please contact the Principal for details.

Head Lice

Please see NSW Health information sheet regarding head lice.


Booster Immunisation

It is recommended that students have their booster needles before starting school. Eye and hearing tests should also be carried out before starting school if there are any concerns.


Because of the obvious dangers of students bringing medication to school the following should be noted:

  • Try to regulate the dosage so that medication can be administered at home.
  • If prescribed medication must be given during school hours, it must be brought to the school office first thing in the morning. All bottles must be clearly labelled with the student's name and  how and when the medication should be administered. This information must be completed and signed on the appropriate paperwork at the office.

No medication will be given without the completed paperwork. No medication, other than an asthma reliever may be left in a child's bag. We are an Asthma Friendly School and teaching staff have been trained in the administration of emergency asthma care to those children on our Asthma Register. Please complete the Asthma Emergency Care sheet (pink form) and return to school if your child suffers from asthma.

Infectious Diseases

Below are a list of common ailments which your child may contact during their school career.

  • Chicken Pox - exclude from school for 5 days after rash first appears and until the blisters have all scabbed over.
  • Conjunctivitis - exclude until discharge from the eyes has ceased.
  • German Measles - exclude for 5 days after the appearance of rash.
  • Head Lice - exclude until treatment begins.
  • Impetigo - the sores must be covered before coming to school with a clean, water tight dressing and the school is to be informed.
  • Mumps - exclude for 9 days after onset of swelling.
  • Viral Hepetitis - excluded until medical certificate is produced.
  • Whooping Cough - exclude until the first 5 days of a special antibiotic has been taken.

Home Reader Bags

Students enrolling in Kindergarten will receive these blue Home Reader bags as part of their Kindergarten package. These are used to carry their home readers between school and home.


Parents may request interviews at any time during the year, but as part of the school's assessment and
reporting process whole school interview sessions will be held towards the end of each semester. If you wish to have an interview with a teacher at any other time, please ring or call at the office to make an appointment so that a time convenient to both yourself and the teacher can be arranged.

Items Brought To School

Any item that is valuable or fragile should not be brought to school as the school bears no responsibility for items lost or damaged. Students are asked not to bring large sums of money to school. Children should not bring toy weapons to school. Possession of knives or other weapons results in immediate suspension.


The following check list is merely a guide to Kindergarten readiness. It might also give you some idea of the areas in which you can work together with your child.

  • Know their full name, address and telephone number.
  • Are able to ask for things they need clearly
  • Are able to dress themselves.
  • Have a feeling of independence.
  • Enjoy listening to stories.
  • Like to try new things.
  • Understand location words: over, under, next to, behind, between.
  • Can relate to adults other than parents.
  • Can play co-operatively with other students.
  • Are able to recognise their own names
  • Can see and hear properly.
  • Can understand and follow simple directions.
  • Can recognise and name some basic shapes and colours
  • Know how to wash their hands with soap after going to the toilet
  • Can toilet themselves properly without help
  • Can blow their nose using a tissue.

A Kindergarten Information Night is held in October and times will be allocated for group Kindergarten Orientation visits in Term 4. You will also receive a special Kindergarten package on this night. On their orientation visits each child will be able to visit the Kindergarten classrooms and meet some of their ‘big buddies' as well as make new friends with other new Kindergarten students. Notification of this night will be posted to you.


All students will require a separate library bag. This ideally should be made of cloth, big enough to take a large A3 size book and tied with a drawstring. Library bags are available from the office. Blue vinyl Home Reader bags are not suitable as library bags as they are too small. Students enrolling in Kindergarten will receive one of these blue Home Reader bags as part of their Kindergarten package.

Lost Property & Student Clothing

All articles of clothing should be clearly labelled and checked regularly. If it is clearly labelled it can be returned to the owner. If your child loses an article of clothing please check the wet areas outside classrooms and the lost property tub in the Library. Second-hand clothing is also available for sale.


If possible please make payments via our website - Parent Online Payments. This saves children having to bring money to school. You can make all payments on one login - you do not have to do separate ones for each event.

If students need to bring money to school for excursions or other functions, please ensure that it is placed securely in a sandwich-size plastic bag clearly labelled with your child's name and class. All money can be given to the class teacher who will place it in a class money folder for the office or it may be taken directly to the office. You will be issued with a receipt returned in the same bag.

Please be aware that to prevent overwhelming last minute rushes on the office, for all excursions and visiting shows, there will be a ‘cut off date' several days prior to the event. No money will be accepted after this date.

National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) Tests

These tests are conducted nationally for students in Years 3 and 5 by the Department of Education and Communities. Reports on individual student's performance are posted to parents. The school is also provided with individual and whole school reports. The results of these tests assist in ensuring that we are catering for the needs of all of the students in the school. NAPLAN results are utilised as part of the Annual School Report and in designing teaching programs to assist the development of individual needs.
Children in Years 3 - 6 have the opportunity, and are encouraged, for a small cost, to participate in International Competitions and Assessment for Schools, run by the University of New South Wales. These tests are for Maths, Science, Computer Skills, Writing, English and Spelling. Information will be in the newsletter.


The School Newsletter is now sent electronically via parent's email addresses. Please sign up via our website, go to the newsletters section and enter your name and email address where directed.

Archived copies of newsletters are also kept here. Important all-school notes will also be sent this way. The newsletter is sent out on a Wednesday. The newsletter will keep you informed of all the important information and dates affecting you and your child. Permissions notes that need to be completed and returned to school are often included in our Newsletter. Permission Notes as well as our school calendar is also available on the website.

Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)

The P&C holds its meetings at 7:30pm on the third Wednesday of each month in the staff room during the school terms. All members of the community are invited to attend. A notice of meetings is generally published in the school newsletter or on the P&C Facebook page a week prior to the meeting. The Annual General Meeting is held in February, immediately prior to the February monthly meeting. A variety of fundraising activities are undertaken throughout the year and volunteers are always needed and are most welcome. 


Parking around the school is restricted. In the interest of safety for our students, please do not park in the bus bay when buses are due, nor double park behind cars in the car park. There is limited parking on both Ellison and Hawkesbury Roads. Please note the ‘No Standing' requirements and the 40 kph speed zone around the School. Police regularly attend to monitor the traffic. Parents are asked not to park in the staff car park as access to this car park via the roadway is extremely unsafe.


During the schools many activities, photographs are taken. Please sign and return the Photo permission letter to the office if you are agreeable to the possibility of having your child's picture appear in either the newsletter, the Ellison Comet, school web page or any other school based publication. If you do not want this to occur please let the office staff know. The school engages a professional photographer early in the year for whole class and individual photos to be purchased. You will be given information in the newsletter when this is happening.

Playground Supervision

The playground is supervised from 8:40am each morning. We recommend that students do not arrive at school before this time, so that while in the play area they are under the supervision of the assigned duty teacher. In the afternoon there are teachers rostered to supervise bus lines, but there is no other supervision provided after the final bell in the afternoon. Any accident, during school hours, to a student in the playground must be reported to the teacher on playground duty first. Students requiring further attention will be directed by the teacher to the first aid assistant.

Premiers Reading Challenge

Children from Kindergarten to Year 6 are encouraged to participate in this excellent programme through our Library.

Reporting of Student Achievement

Each student receives a written summary/report of their progress at the end of each semester. There will be parent/teacher interview sessions available also at this time. Appointments will be available for all classes if you wish to speak with your child's teacher.


Bus, bike, road, passenger, pedestrian and personal safety are dealt with in class programs, but parents have the major responsibility of being good role models and ensuring students adopt safe practices. Students should be able to:

  • Cross any road safely and in the correct place.
  • Get on and off buses correctly. 
  • Travel safely while on the bus.
  • Select safe places to play and avoid contact with strangers
  • Ride bicycles safely.
  • Walk safely along roads that have no footpath.
  • Find help if they get lost or into trouble.

School Contributions

The school has a contribution scheme that assists in buying extra equipment. The fees are $60 per student or $140 per family of three or more. These may be paid in part or in full at any time.

School Counsellor

The school has access to Departmental School Counsellors. If you have any concerns about your child's intellectual or emotional development and wish to speak to the Counsellor then an appointment can be made through the office.
Staff will from time to time refer a child who is experiencing difficulties of some kind, to the Counsellor to seek additional information on the student's development. If this occurs you will be informed and your permission will be sought prior to the interview taking place.

School Evacuations

School Evacuation Drills are held to familiarise students with procedures in the case of an emergency. Ellison has two planned evacuation routes. These are indicated by:

  • Five rings of the school bell (repeated). Classes move along a prearranged route to the Bus bay.
  • Continuous (long) ringing of the bell. Classes move to the top playground (the Hawkesbury Road entrance to the school).

Lock down procedure:

In the event of it being unsafe for staff or students to be outside their classrooms a school bell of one long one short one long will sound and all students, teachers and visitors will stay locked in their rooms until the all clear by the principal or executive in charge is given. Communication will be maintained between classrooms and the office with either mobile phones or the school internal phone system. No one is to leave a room for any reason during a lockdown.

Bush Fires:

In the event of a bush fire emergency the Police and local Emergency Services would advise us. Because of the likely breakdown of communication and transport systems at such times, students would be kept at school or evacuated to a control point. Students would be kept under teacher supervision until the danger had passed or until students were collected by parents or by someone authorised in writing by parents.

School Rules

The following rules are enforced at our school:

  • abide by the school's Discipline Policy
  • attend school regularly, be punctual and present notes to explain absences
  • respect and co-operate with teachers and visitors
  • attempt all work carefully and to the best of one's ability
  • behave in a responsible, polite and courteous manner
  • behave in a manner that shows respect for oneself and for the rights and feelings of others
  • respect and care for school buildings, school property and the property of others
  • observe the general standards of dress and uniform requirements of the school 
  • School rules are reinforced through a reward system that acknowledges those students who follow them.

School Self Evaluation and Annual Report

Every year a small committee of staff and parents evaluate the school. The opinions of parents are sought on a range of issues. Information that is collected and collated from all available data will be presented in the School's Annual Report.

School Times

School begins at 9:10am

Recess: 11:10 - 11:30am

Lunch: 1:15 - 1:55pm

School finishes at 2:55pm.

The playground is not supervised before 8:40am or after 3:00pm.
Therefore, no child should be at school prior to or after these times.


Scripture is held once a week on Wednesday morning. All the students have forty-five minute lessons from 11:30am to 12:15pm. Roman Catholic, Combined Protestant and Baha'i teachers visit our school at this time. Students not attending scripture attend Non Scripture and do so at the discretion of parents. A note stating this decision must be provided at the beginning of each year.

Sickness and Injury

On enrolling at Ellison Public School you will be asked for an emergency contact so that in the event of your child becoming ill or having an accident during the course of the school day, we are able to contact one of the parents. Should any of this information change please contact the office immediately to allow the information to be updated. It is very distressing for both child and staff when we are unable to contact you.


In line with Government regulations no smoking is permitted within the school grounds.


At Ellison Public School our sporting programs are designed to provide the physical education requirements of the students from K to 6 within the limited space available at the school. On enrolment all the students are placed into one of four Sports Houses. Brothers and sisters are placed in the same house.

BRADMAN (red)                      LILLEE (yellow)
FRASER (blue)                         NEWCOMBE (green)

Sports Program Outline

Early Stage One and Stage One:

Students participate in class based sports activities that are designed by the class teachers, concentrating on skills, games and activities. These students also participate in a weekly sport and fitness program.

Stage Two:

the students' physical skills have developed sufficiently to take part in more organised sports. Most of these sports have been modified to suit our conditions and needs. The main activities include: Newcomb Ball, Tee Ball, Netball and Kanga Cricket.

Stage Three:

House sport is a progression from the sports in the earlier stages. The main sports include: Netball, Soccer, Kanga Cricket, Newcomb Ball, Modified Basketball, Golf and T-Ball. We are also involved in Inter-school sport in Touch Football, Kanga Cricket, Soccer, Netball, Newcomb Ball and T-Ball.


Ellison Public School holds three carnivals per year.

Term 1: Swimming (Years 2-6)
Term 1 or 2: Cross Country 9 (K - Year 6)
Term 2: Athletics (K - Year 6)

These carnivals are run on a Sports House basis. Students from age 8 - 13 are then given the opportunity to represent Ellison, Blue Mountains, Sydney West, or NSW. through the NSW Primary Schools Sports Association (PSSA).

Winmalee Cup and Summer Games

Ellison Public School participates in the annual Winmalee Cup, an inter school competition in the sports of Soccer, Netball and Newcomb Ball, while students back at school enjoy the unique Ellison Saucer games. The annual Summer Games is an inter-school competition in the sports of T-ball and Kanga Cricket.

Student Assistance Scheme

The school holds a small amount of money each year to assist families in genuine financial need. On application to the Principal, funds may be made available to assist a student to attend an excursion, camp, to supply items of uniform or to help cover the cost of books.

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Our Student Representative Council is a representative body of students voted within each class from Year 1 to Year 6. It provides an opportunity for the students to participate in some of the decision making and fund raising activities undertaken within the school. It also provides a forum for students to discuss issues affecting their classmates.

Student Transfers

Any student transferring to another public school within NSW must obtain a Transfer Certificate from the
office. Parents should obtain this certificate prior to enrolling their child at the new school. Library books and other school equipment must be returned prior to application for a transfer certificate.

Sun Safe

We promote an awareness of the dangers of over exposure to the sun and essential ‘Sun Smart' behaviour. We therefore maintain a "‘no broad-brimmed hat, no play' rule. Please ensure your child brings a school broad-brimmed school hat every day. These are on sale at the office.


Generally, twins are placed in the same class in their Kindergarten year unless there are circumstances that suggest that they need to be separated. Placement in the same class helps with the transition from home to ‘big school'.


Uniforms are available via the P&C website. Click P&C link on our website.  A second hand clothing pool operates at school, please check the P&C website for current days and times. 

Maroon broad brimmed school hats and library bags are available from the office.

Broad-brimmed school hats are part of the school uniform and must be worn all year.



  • Light Blue Polo shirt with emblem
  • Navy microfibre shorts
  • Navy microfibre pants
  • White socks (sports)


  • Light blue Polo shirt with emblem
  • Navy blue socks
  • Broad brimmed school hat
  • Black shoes
  • Maroon Jumper/jacket with school emblem.


  • Light blue polo shirt with school emblem/Light blue skivvy
  • Navy trousers 
  • Navy short socks 
  • Black shoes 
  • Maroon jumper/jacket with school 



  • Light blue Polo shirt with emblem 
  • Navy sports skort or navy microfibre shorts
  • Navy microfibre pants
  • White socks (sports)


  • Maroon/blue check dress with a white collar (2 dress buttons and sleeves)
  • White short socks 
  • Broad brimmed school hat 
  • Black shoes
  • Maroon jumper/jacket with school emblem.
  • Light blue polo shirt with emblem
  • Navy shorts


  • Light blue Polo shirt with school emblem/Light blue skivvy
  • Light blue blouse
  • Maroon check pleated skirt or tunic
  • Navy blue tights/white short socks
  • Black shoes 
  • Maroon jumper/jacket with school emblem.
  • Navy pants


All visitors are asked to call at the office FIRST to sign in on your phone or the school iPad. You must then collect a Volunteer or Visitor badge from the office. It is very important that we know you are in the school in the event of an emergency. Please don't forget to return these badges on leaving. All adults who are involved in class activities with children will be asked to sign a * Child Protection Clearance form.

Please remember that if you wish to have an interview with a teacher, please ring or call at the office to make an appointment so that a time convenient to both yourself and the teacher can be arranged.